Zmq is a messaging library, unlike traditional messaging applications (like ActiveMq, RabbitMq, ..., etc); it offers a toolbox to create a messaging system (that's why it is a library).Diving into MQTT protocol
Mqtt is a messaging protocol, it relies on binary format to exchange messages with low overhead. It is heavily used in embedded systems and IoT.
MQTT is based on publish-subscribe paradigm, it is completely asynchronous (unlike client-server model). There are three different actors that build this protocol :
- Publisher : the part that produces information and organizes them into topics.
- Broker : relays data generated by Publishers to registered subscribers. Publisher's (or Publishers) topics are known by the broker.
- Subscriber : data consumer end-point. After registering to a topic (or multiple topics), it can receive messages for processing or visualization.
- Publishers : is the Model because it contains the data.
- Brokers : are the Controllers which maps data to the Vue.
- Subscribers : are the Vue which displays data.
Zmq working modes
Zmq can be used in different ways from which one can state :- REQ-REP : request-reply, in other words client server paradigm (synchronous operations).
- PUB-SUB : Publish-Subscribe, based on MQTT protocol (asynchronous operations).
- PUSH-PULL : or pipeline mode which distribute tasks from a PUSH node to multiple PULL nodes (concurrent processing).
Zmq PUB-SUB mode
We will focus on Publisher-Subscriber paradigm using Zmq. However, keep in mind that Zmq does not implement a broker (We are going to see how to create one).Brokerless mode (default mode)
Zmq works in brokerless mode (zqm means zero broker and zero cost) and does not offer a central broker as classical MQTT applications but does offer ways to create it.
Setting Zmq in this mode is similar to client and server architecture as the image shown below :
Connecting multiple publishers and subscribers using Zmq forms a Star Topology that works well for small networks (but does not scale). It means also that Subscribers must know the Publishers (IP addresses and binding ports) to which they want to register.
The publisher binds to port 5580 and sends messages on topic "/test". on the other hand, the subscriber connects to publisher (subscriber must be aware of IP address and binding port of publisher) on topic "/test".Remark : Either publisher or subscriber can start first (Zmq pauses the subscriber until the publisher can emit messages). In practice, try to start subscriber before publisher in order to get all messages.
We can have a look at the source codes written in PYTHON :- Publisher code:
import zmq import time portPublisher = "5580" # create an zmq context context = zmq.Context() # create a publisher socket socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) # Bind the socket at a predefined port socket.bind("tcp://*:%s" % portPublisher) while True: # Set the topic on which to publish topicFilter = "/test" # create some data to send msgToPublish = "Hello world Zmq!" # print topic and data print("%s %s" % (topicFilter, msgToPublish)) # send topic and message separated by comma # (in order to parse them easily on subscriber side) socket.send_string("%s,%s" % (topicFilter, msgToPublish)) # slow down sending rate time.sleep(1)
- Subscriber code :
import sys import zmq portPublisher = "5580" # Create an zmq context context = zmq.Context() # create a subscriber socket socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) print("Waiting to connect to remote publisher...") # subscriber must connect to publisher socket.connect("tcp://localhost:%s" % portPublisher) # Choose a topic topicFilter = "/test" socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topicFilter) while True: # get received data dataReceived = socket.recv_string() # parse received data using comma separator topic, msgContent = dataReceived.split(",") # display topic name and message content print("Topic : " + topic + " ==> Message content : " + msgContent)
This mode works fine with few pub-sub devices but cannot scale efficiently, publishers binding (IP addresses and ports) must be known by subscribers in the system. For better performance and maintainability, We can use an intermediary device called broker (or sometimes proxy).
Building a Broker with zmq
Zmq broker can be built quiet easily, a broker (sometimes called proxy) will act as an intermediary device with two interfaces as shown :

- The XSUB interface must listen to the empty topic "" in order to get all traffic from all publishers.
- The publisher must connect to the broker (unlike in broker mode where it was binding).
- With/without broker Subscribers always connects
- Proxy-Broker :
import zmq # Creating zmq context context = zmq.Context() # Creating subX interface subX = context.socket(zmq.SUB) subX.bind("tcp://*:5580") subX.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "") # Creating the pubX interface pubX = context.socket(zmq.PUB) pubX.bind("tcp://*:5581") print("Proxy is active!") # connect subX and pubX (creating the proxy) zmq.device(zmq.FORWARDER, subX, pubX) # close and free resources subX.close() pubX.close() context.term()
- Publisher :
import zmq import time portSubscriberX = "5580" # create an zmq context context = zmq.Context() # create a publisher socket socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) # COnnect the socket to SUBX (broker interface) socket.connect("tcp://localhost:%s" % portSubscriberX) while True: # Set the topic on which to publish topicFilter = "/test" # create some data to send msgToPublish = "Hello world Zmq!" # print topic and data print("%s %s" % (topicFilter, msgToPublish)) # send topic and message separated by comma # (in order to parse them easily on subscriber side) socket.send_string("%s,%s" % (topicFilter, msgToPublish)) # slow down sending rate time.sleep(1)
- Subscriber :
import sys import zmq portPublisherX = "5581" # Create an zmq context context = zmq.Context() # create a subscriber socket socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) print("Waiting to connect to remote publisherX...") # subscriber must connect to publisher socket.connect("tcp://localhost:%s" % portPublisherX) # Choose a topic topicFilter = "/test" socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, portPublisherX) while True: # get received data dataReceived = socket.recv_string() # parse received data using comma separator topic, msgContent = dataReceived.split(",") # display topic name and message content print("Topic : " + topic + " ==> Message content : " + msgContent)
Test the above programs, then try to use multiple publishers and subscribers (it's a good exercise)
For further understanding of Zmq, an excellent reference is available at :
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